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Ysgol Llywelyn


School Curriculum

At Ysgol Llywelyn we acknowledge that children learn in different ways, through a variety of experiences, and we therefore recognise the need to develop strategies that allow all our children to learn in ways that best suit them.


Teaching and Learning is central to life at Ysgol Llywelyn. The quality of teaching has the greatest impact on our children’s learning and the standards that they attain.


We acknowledge the importance of on-going research into how people think and learn and use this to shape how education is delivered. We value the strengths of individual children, Teachers and Support Staff.


Our principle aim is to develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding through a structured developmental and progressive continuum, taking account of their learning needs and allowing for spontaneous developmental opportunities when they arise.


As a school we aim to help children to:-

  • Enjoy their learning through experiencing success and by increasing their self-esteem.
  • Become independent, confident learners who take increasing responsibility for their own learning.
  • Become resilient, reflective, resourceful and reciprocal learners.
  • Feel secure and comfortable in school.
  • Acquire the necessary skills for learning, now and in the future, by developing lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question, share ideas and work co-operatively.
  • Recognise and develop their own personal skills to the best of their ability.
  • Access a rich, balanced and relevant curriculum in a variety of ways. This includes encouraging creativity and self-expression.
  • Use language and number effectively, as a foundation for learning, and to feel confident in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Develop an understanding of other beliefs, cultures and ways of life. 



Croeso i Ysgol Llywelyn! Welcome to Ysgol Llywelyn!