Welcome to Nursery
Nursery is made up of four classes. These are:
Onnen am
Onnen pm
Derwen am
Derwen pm
Helping us to learn in Nursery are:
Mrs A Jones (teacher/manager)
Miss C Hailwood
Mrs R Hughes
Miss L Roberts
Miss T Rayner
Mrs K Hobday
Please provide a healthy snack for your child to have at snack time. Children will be offered milk and water daily.
Nursery Topics
Autumn Term There's No Place Like Home
Spring Term Look Up to the Sky
Summer Term Food Glorious Food
Our topic this term is 'Look Up to the Sky'
We will be learning about space and reading the books "Whatever Next" and "Aliens Love Underpants". We will have a picnic on the moon and think about what we see in the sky in the day and at night. We will recreate our own version of "A Starry Night" painting and look at different star constellations. We will have fun with different science investigations. We will look at Chinese New Year, the year of the Dragon and compare the Welsh dragon with the chinese dragons. We will learn all about rainbows, experiment with colour and enjoy the story of Noah's Ark.