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Ysgol Llywelyn

Year 6 / Blwyddyn 6



Welcome to the Year 6 Discoverers' Page


We will update this page with information about our topics.


Your Year 6 staff members are: 

Mr Cox (Leader of Learning)

Mrs Killa/Miss Munslow

Mrs Greenaway

Miss Davenport, Miss Downes & Miss Williams


Physical Education



At the moment, games/gymnastic sessions take place once a week. Children are to come in to school wearing their kit. This is to reduce the number of children sharing changing facilities.


Games Kit

  • Plain dark coloured tracksuit
  • A change of footwear (NOT school trainers / shoes)
  • No jewellery is to be worn. 


Gymnastic Kit

  • Plain white polo shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black trainers/pumps
  • No jewellery is to be worn.


Week 1 (Indoor P.E) - Gymnastics

Sessions take place on the following days:

6BC - Friday

6HK/BM - Wednesday

6CG - Wednesday


Week 2 (Outdoor P.E) - Hockey


6BC - Friday

6HK/BM - Wednesday

6CG - Wednesday





Forest School


Suitable old clothing for the weather conditions and a pair of wellington boots or outdoor shoes.


Sessions will take place on:

6BC - Thursday

6HK/BM - Friday

6CG - Friday



How we work


At Ysgol Llywelyn we aim to develop independent, confident, life long learners.

The purpose of the our school's curriculum will be to support our children and young people to be: ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives. enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work. ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. 


With this in mind, classes will work around pupil led topics. pupil voice forms a major part of class discussion and is used to inform planning.

Our Topics this year:

  • Throw down the gauntlet - Autumn Term
  •   A mountain to climb - Spring Term
  •   One small step - Summer Term

School Dinners

School dinners are now available to learners from Reception to Year 6 free of charge . Dinners can be ordered daily and include a range of sandwiches, jacket potatoes and hot meals. 


Denbighshire Primary School Meals



Croeso i Ysgol Llywelyn! Welcome to Ysgol Llywelyn!