Year 1 is made up of three different classes. These are:
1ET: Mrs E Thomas
1JE: Mrs J Espley
1HR: Mrs H Rawlins (Miss T Campbell
Helping us to learn in Year 1 are:
Miss C Humphries
Mrs R Hughes
Miss L Richards
We will be using this website page to share information about Year 1 and links to useful websites.
Our topics in Year One
Autumn Term
The land before time (How do we know that dinosaurs lived and where did they go? Who lived before us?)
Spring Term
Wonderful Weather (Weather in the UK. Hot and cold countries.)
Summer Term
In the Garden (Do all vegetables grow underground? The life of minibeasts)
PE kits consists of a white t-shirt, black shorts/black joggers and black pumps. Children are not permitted to wear earrings for P.E. Please remove at home prior to the lesson.
P.E. day is Friday, children are to come to school dressed in their PE kits.
Forest School
As the children will be taking part in Forest School, which is mostly outside, the children will need to come in to school wearing wellies or old trainers, old clothes and a coat. If your child has waterproof trousers then these can also be worn. (We will inform you via Seesaw as to when your child will be attending)
Lunch Time
All year one children are entitled to a free school meal.
Please provide your child with a healthy snack and water for break time. Children are also offered milk daily.
Reading books will be sent home every Friday. Please can books be returned to school no later than Wednesday please.
Please look after our reading books as they are a fantastic resource for our pupils. Lost and damaged reading books will result in a £10 charge.
Books bags are to be purchased through ParentPay for £5.00.