Welcome from the Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
A warm welcome to Ysgol Llywelyn.
As Headteacher, I am extremely proud of our school and our fantastic pupils and staff who make this such a great place to work and learn. As a school, we are equally proud of the feedback we regularly receive about the atmosphere of fun, friendliness, happiness and co-operation which is always evident.
We are committed to providing the very best possible care and education for all your children, and our staff and governors are dedicated to ensuring each child experiences high quality teaching and learning that nurtures and supports their individual interests and talents throughout their time in school.
We strive to provide our children with a vibrant, engaging curriculum which motivates and inspires them to become enthusiastic, life-long learners which will help them with their futures. We aim to provide the children with a rich and broad experiences, which embrace opportunities for creativity, the arts and sport. Learning is our core purpose and we champion challenge and learning within a safe school environment - where everyone is helpful, considerate and respectful of each other. We encourage our pupils to develop resilience, independence and persistence. We believe the ability to think for themselves contributes towards keeping them safe.
We are lucky to benefit from expansive grounds which provide a wonderful resource for sport and outdoor learning. We also enjoy excellent links with other schools in our community and we participate in many events and projects within the local area.
As a school we are committed to continual improvement and are dedicated to ensuring your child’s time with us will be happy, enjoyable and inspiring. I encourage you to come and visit us to find out more, and see our school community at work.
Appointments can be made through the school office.
Mr. N Jones