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Ysgol Llywelyn

Opening Times

Please note that due to current COVID restrictions, the school day has been restricted to minimise the number of Parents/Carers on-site at any time (more information in Parent/Carer booklet).


Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2 currently finish school at 3:00.

Pupils in Years 3,4,5 and 6 currently finish school at 3:15.

School Sessions:

The school day starts promptly at 8.50 a.m. To ensure pupils are inside and ready to learn, doors open for pupils at 8.40 a.m.



School Term Dates - 2020-2021/2021-2022


Pupil Attendance

The Local Authority introduced Fixed Penalty Notices from Sept 2015 for pupils who have more than 10 days of Unauthorised Absences, and Fixed Penalty Warning Notices for pupils with 5+ days of Unauthorised Absences.


The following absences are Unauthorised Absences:

· Holidays during term time (Headteacher can only authorise under ‘exceptional circumstances’).
· Absences for which no reason is given to school.
· Absence for which the reason given does not meet the criteria for authorisation.

· Absence caused by either a sibling or relatives illness.


The following absences are Authorised absences, if we have been informed:

  • Sickness (if there are frequent absences, we may require further information before authorisation, the school nurse may become involved with persistent absence which eventually could become classed as an unauthorised absence).
  • Medical appointments (forms available in main reception area, need to be stamped by dentist, hospital etc.)


Other exceptional circumstances may also be authorised, please contact the office for further information as and when required.


Our aim is to avoid any Fixed Penalty notices for our parents, and to minimise pupil absence. If you require support please contact Mrs. Ann Armstrong (Attendance Officer) at school.

Croeso i Ysgol Llywelyn! Welcome to Ysgol Llywelyn!