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Ysgol Llywelyn

Year 3 / Blwyddyn 3

Year 3 is made up of three different classes. These are:

 3RE: Mrs R Evans

3EL: Miss E Lloyd

3BR: Mr B Rimmer


 We will be using this website page to share information about Year 3 and links to useful websites.

Year 3's virtual classroom.


Please follow the following link to access our virtual classroom! 


Year 3 Virtual Classroom




Year 3 2022-23

  • Important Information:
  • PE/Games Kit: PE is a compulsory part of the curriculum and we encourage all our pupils to engage fully in lessons in order to develop their physical skills through team games, fitness sessions, dance, gymnastics and swimming.


Please ensure your child brings their PE kit to school so they can change into this before their PE session. PE/games kit is a plain, dark coloured tracksuit, white t-shirt and trainers.


In addition to PE, the school offers forest school which will be on a class rota. You will be informed of these sessions over SeeSaw and children can come to school in old clothing, Wellies or outdoor clothing eg: tracksuits, trainers and t shirts.


  • Dinner Money:

Children can have school dinners for a cost of £2.45 a day.  Please pay via Parent Pay.


  • Reading Books:

Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and must be returned in order to change over for the following week. If you would like any additional reading material then Oxford Owl is an excellent website which provides free e books for all abilities. You can log in as a parent and supply an email address to access this resource.



Useful Websites

Croeso i Ysgol Llywelyn! Welcome to Ysgol Llywelyn!